ReCoral: Offshore wind turbine foundations providing a new habitat for corals in Taiwan
Testing a new methodology of creating coral reefs directly on the foundations of wind turbines to improve local and wider ecosystems.
Short description
Coral reefs are essential to healthy ocean ecosystems and provide natural coastal protection. However, climate change threatens these ecosystems, leading to coral bleaching. The ReCoral project aims to determine whether offshore wind turbine foundations can serve as new habitats for corals. This initiative, in collaboration with the Penghu Fishery Research Center, focuses on supporting coral growth on wind turbine foundations at Taiwan’s Greater Changhua offshore wind farmsThe two offshore wind farms are located 35-60 km off the coast and together have 111 wind turbines, producing around 900 MW of clean energy. .
The project involves collecting coral spawn from the shores of the Penghu Islands, seeding the corals on brick tiles, cultivating them in a lab, and introducing the corals to turbine foundations using metal net-cages. These foundations are expected to provide a suitable environment for corals, offering good access to light and protection from extreme temperatures through the natural circulation of cooler, deeper water. However, the method requires extensive testing, refinement, and impact assessment to determine its scalability and applicability elsewhere. To monitor coral growth and health, a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) will be used for underwater camera filming. To ensure the methods used are scientifically sound and the monitoring results are properly assessed, external scholars and experts are consulted.
ReCoral represents a promising experiment, exploring how offshore wind energy can benefit coral health and support their adaptation to changing environmental conditions.
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Criteria for selection: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 (a) + 5
Information updated on: 14 March 2025