Our Topics
Offshore wind energy is a key component of Europe’s clean energy transition and the fight against climate change, with ambitious targets in place in the coming decades. At the same time, marine ecosystems – ranging from kelp forests to sandy coastlines to seagrass meadows – are degraded by human activities and climate change and must be protected and restored.
As Europe accelerates the development of offshore wind and connected electricity grid infrastructure in these fragile ecosystems, OCEaN’s mission is to ensure this infrastructure is planned, built and operated in a nature-friendly way from the North and Baltic Seas all the way down to the Mediterranean.
Everyday our two coalitions work on constructive paths forward by collaborating on the following key topics, among others:
Sustainable Planning
Reducing conflicts and optimising space at sea
We engage in and make recommendations on Maritime Spatial Planning, cross-border collaboration, co-existence with nature and other activities, collection of environmental data, as well as the integration of ecological non-price criteria in offshore wind auctions.

Related Resources
OCEaN – North and Baltic Seas
OCEaN – Mediterranean Sea
Nature-friendly offshore wind and grid infrastructure
Mitigate impacts and enhance & restore biodiversity
We investigate and promote the uptake of adequate mitigation measures, nature enhancement approaches, Nature-Inclusive Design solutions, and ecosystem restoration actions.