OCEaN welcomes Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe) as a new Member

Joining as a new Member of OCEaN – North & Baltic Seas, Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V – DUH) is a non-governmental environmental and consumer protection organisation. DUH is a politically independent non-profit organisation, entitled to bring legal action and campaigns on a national and European level. DUH engages in multiple areas of Germany’s and the European energy transformation.
Environmental Action Germany was founded in 1975 and supports all sustainable ways of life and economic systems that respect ecological boundaries. At the same time, the organisation fights for the preservation of biological diversity and the protection of natural assets as well as for climate protection. The organisation is convinced that only energy supplies based on efficiency and regenerative energies, sustainable mobility, the respectful handling of our natural resources and the avoidance of waste will secure life on our planet.
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