Launch of the Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature – Mediterranean Sea (Med OCEaN)

The Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature – Mediterranean Sea (Med OCEaN) is officially launched today, 28 September 2023.
The Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature – Mediterranean Sea (Med OCEaN) brings together NGOs, wind industry and transmission system operators (TSOs) from across the Mediterranean basin and adjacent Atlantic waters. Med OCEaN aims to cooperate on the sustainable deployment of offshore wind and grid, while safeguarding nature and healthy marine ecosystems in the region.
Over 15 founding Members have signed a Memorandum of Understanding and committed to working together.
The work of Med OCEaN will support an integrated planning of offshore wind energy and nature in Maritime Spatial Plans and contribute to the elaboration and implementation of the European climate, energy and environmental objectives. Moreover, Med OCEaN will strive to fill knowledge gaps, monitor developments as well as impacts and efficacy of biodiversity measures applied to the offshore wind sector and grid infrastructure, and investigate innovative solutions.
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