
OCEaN welcomes new Members EnBW and the Danish Society for Nature Conservation
Jul 08, 2024

OCEaN - North and Baltic Seas is proud to announce two new Members: EnBW and The Danish Society for Nature Conservation. The Danish Society for Nature Conservation is the largest nature conservation and environmental organisation in Denmark. EnBW provides innovative and sustainable energy and infrastructure solutions and is an experienced offshore wind developer. A warm welcome to both organisations and we look forward to collaborating on our many shared goals!

OCEaN Statement: Charting the Course for a Sustainable Offshore Future
Mar 20, 2024

OCEaN - North and Baltic Seas is launching a statement today calling for joint political action on climate and biodiversity goals after the 2024 EU elections and underlines five key areas policymakers must focus on to ensure the expansion of offshore wind contributes positively to both the environment and society. The launch of this statement marks the kick off OCEaN and Renewables Grid Initiative's activities at WindEurope’s 2024 Annual Event in Bilbao.

OCEaN Activities at WindEurope's 2024 Annual Event in Bilbao
Mar 05, 2024

OCEaN once again had a strong presence at WindEurope's Annual Event - which took place in Bilbao from 20-22 March 2024. Participants were welcomed to take part in all of our activities - including our stand in the exhibition hall, workshop with the Renewables Grid Initiative and WindEurope, presentations from OCEaN Members on their collaborative work to reconcile energy and nature at sea, and more!

Med OCEaN publishes recommendations to ensure nature-friendly offshore wind and grid development
Nov 07, 2023

Members of the recently launched Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature – Mediterranean basin (Med OCEaN) strongly support an improved, robust, and timely Maritime Spatial Planning process. This will significantly contribute to accelerating OWE, as well as reducing investment risks and project delays. In this context, Med OCEaN Members, a coalition which includes stakeholders from Spain, Italy, France, and Portugal, are today launching recommendations to be considered by EU Member States of the Mediterranean basin and adjacent Atlantic waters.

OCEaN welcomes Skyborn Renewables as our 30th Member!
Jul 26, 2023

The Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN) warmly welcomes Skyborn Renewables, an offshore wind partner, as a new Member. Skyborn has been pioneering the development of offshore wind projects since 2000 across Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.

Join the FlatEMF study to discover the impact of subsea electricity cables on marine wildlife
May 08, 2023

To transport electricity generated offshore to consumers on land, subsea cables are needed. These cables generate electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Anecdotal evidence suggests that EMFs can influence the behaviour of commercial flatfish, which caused the fishing community to express their concerns. However, the evidence for these concerns is thin and more research is needed. To address this knowledge gap and facilitate fact-based discussions between all users of the sea, we decided to combine forces and conduct a study on the impacts that EMFs might have on commercially important flatfish species

OCEaN Statement on ecological criteria in offshore wind farm auctions
Apr 26, 2023

OCEaN is launching a statement today encouraging all European Member States to make full use of ecological non-price criteria for the design of offshore wind farm auctions. The launch is part of a workshop at WindEurope’s Annual Event in Copenhagen, which OCEaN jointly organised with WindEurope and the Renewables Grid Initiative.

OCEaN Members featured in video 'Offshore wind energy infrastructure and biodiversity'
Mar 01, 2023

As part of their 'Need for Grids' video series, the Renewables Grid Initiative has released a video focusing on offshore wind energy infrastructure and biodiversity in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. This video provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of how offshore wind infrastructure can exist in harmony with nature, and even be a catalyst for enhanced biodiversity.

Videos to inspire – nature restoration and offshore energy infrastructure can go hand in hand
Nov 30, 2022

We are delighted to share eight new videos showcasing successful nature restoration practices linked to offshore energy infrastructure. These videos feature interviews with OCEaN members and presenters who participated in our conference Speeding up Nature Positive Offshore Energy Infrastructure Deployment – and are shining examples of what is already possible, and what we should strive to scale up!

OCEaN’s Statement on the upcoming EU Restoration Law
Jun 14, 2022

NGOs, wind industry and Transmission System Operators (TSOs), working collaboratively in OCEaN, call for a strong EU Restoration Law with clear and quantifiable legally binding targets, as well as implementation and enforcement rules that enable ecologically-sound offshore wind and electricity grid deployment.

RGI calls for balanced approach on inclusion of Lead in Authorisation List under REACH Regulation due to its needed use in electricity subsea cables
May 02, 2022

The Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) calls for a balanced approach on the inclusion of Lead in the Authoristation List under the REACH Regulation in view of its needed use in subsea cables. Making Lead subject to extensive authorisation requirements would undermine European decarbonisation efforts and increase European dependence on imports.

Call for Submissions for the RGI 'Good Practice of the Year' award 2022 now open!
May 02, 2022

The Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) is searching for the latest innovative practices which work towards the system integration of renewables in an inclusive and environmentally friendly way. Anyone is welcome to apply: NGOs, TSOs, project developers, regulators, permitting bodies and representatives of EU-funded projects alike. Projects and practices that support sustainable development of offshore energy infrastructure and protection of our marine ecosystems are welcome to apply by 17 June 2022!

Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN) to be expanded to the Mediterranean
Apr 21, 2022

During the WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao, TSOs, industry and NGOs committed to collaborate on the expansion of the Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN) to the Mediterranean Sea. The Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) had invited them to the side event “Connecting offshore and nature protection in the Mediterranean Sea” along with EU institutions to discuss the sustainable expansion of offshore wind and grid development.

OCEaN German WG: Six recommendations for a nature-friendly development of offshore wind energy
Nov 04, 2021

The German Working Group of OCEaN has just published "Six recommendations for a nature-friendly development of offshore wind energy". They are an appeal to the coalition partners of the future German government to include these measures in the coalition agreement in order to achieve climate neutrality in Germany by 2045 and implement the European Climate Law and Europe-wide climate neutrality by 2050.

Study Launch: Offshore Biodiversity Data and Monitoring
Oct 07, 2021

RGI launched the study "A Review of Biodiversity Data Needs and Monitoring Protocols for the Offshore Wind Energy Sector in the Baltic Sea and North Sea" by author PJ Stephenson. The study commissioned by RGI is a building block towards transparent and comparable data as well as harmonised monitoring practices and a streamlined collaboration among stakeholders.

BirdLife Summary Report: How Offshore Wind Impacts Seabirds
Sep 29, 2021

BirdLife International published a Summary Report on the "Impact of offshore wind development on seabirds in the North Sea and Baltic Sea: Identification of data sources and at-risk species". The report identifies possible impacts of the growing offshore wind development on already endangered seabirds in the North and Baltic Seas and indicates how data can be used to mitigate these risks posed to marine wildlife in order for the clean energy transition to happen while protecting biodiversity.